Wednesday, March 29, 2006

so far so good

I started out by knitting size 3 because that seemed to be closest to my measurements. However, when I'd reached the Godron stitch part, it seemed way to big! And since many of you had noticed that our beloved Colchique had a tendency to end up too big, I decided to frog the whole thing and knit size 2 instead. When I reached the same point again, I realized I'd forgotten to do the stated decreases at the beginning of the godron part the first time I knit it! Oooops! Anyway, size 2 seemed to work anyway, so that's what I'm doing! I've finished the back after some frustrating decisions regarding the raglan decreases. Cast(bind) off or decrease? I went with decreases. Two stitches in from the edge. In hindsight I probably should have done the decreases at the very egde, so they won't be so visible. But I'm not frogging it again! I asked Linster about how she'd done, and it seems she'd chosen the same way to go about it as I did!

Anyway, the back is finished and I've knitted about 15 cm of the front. It's still fun to knit! I'm a bit anxious about the sleeves, since I want to do the thumb thingies... Well, so far so good!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Sleeves avec thumb loops

Am I the only one who wants the sleeves to have those nifty little thumb loops? Apparently so, for that portion of the pattern hasn't been translated. Anyway, I'm working on the translation right now and will post it when I'm done just in case I'm not the only one who likes the thumb thingers. ^_^

Thursday, March 16, 2006

never say never again

Isn't it funny? Just when I declared that I won't start my Colchique for ages, what do I do? I realize that the perfect project for a particular combination of yarn (that I've been searching for the perfect pattern for) is, of course, the Colchique jumper! Once again, my short sighted-ness had got the better of me.

Anyway, I've started knitting it, and i really enjoy the pattern! I've only done a little cable work on a hat before, but it's so much fun!

Here's my progress on the back so far. I'm using one strand of 2-ply 100% wool from Kampes and one strand of a mohair yarn with glitter. Me using glitter? I can't explain it, I just fell in love with it. Somehow it reminds me of crispy, glittery snow on an early winter morning. Perhaps it shows up more on the detail photo.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm a baaaaad KAL:er

You may wonder, why did I join this knit-a-long? Well, it's quite easy to answer that, really. I love the Colchique jumper and it seems to be fun to knit.

Have I started knitting it? Have I bought the intended yarn? The answer is sadly: no.

I've truly enjoyed reading about everyone's progress and looking at the photos of your lovely jumpers. But I know I probably won't even start this project on this side of Christmas, so I'll give in and confess that I'm a bad KAL:er. There are just too many things I want to knit and I think I somehow jinx the intended project by joining KAL:s or declaring that I will finish it within a certain timeframe.

So, thank you everyone, I'm leaving this great KAL! And if I ever try to join any KAL:s again, please remind me that that is a sure way of me not finishing the intended project...

Best wishes to everyone,

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

more and better pictures

Here are some better pictures of my Colchique (with special button-closeup for Jessica ;-))

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Finally- it's finished!

Yes- I finally finished seaming up my Colchique, and here she is! Taken with bad light late at night, but I wanted to post right away. If I feel in the mood, I'll get her out for a better photo shoot tomorrow.
I knit Colchique in size M, and was worried that it would be way too tight. French sizes and me are not the best of friends. But, as you see, I didn't have to worry about That. It fits just fine, and I suppose it would have been even nicer in a smaller size.
The best thing with the sweater is the buttons! You can't really see them in the picture, but they are beautiful red mother of pearl buttons that match the color of the sweater perfectly- I love them!

Friday, March 03, 2006

New blog

just wanted to say that I have a new blog:
It's all in Swedish, so maybe it isn't very interesting for all of you English speakers, but I just wanted to tell you in case you click on my name in the sidebar.
Anyway, I am Right now seaming up my Colchique! Yay! Pictures coming up shortly- I hope ;-)