Friday, September 30, 2005

Progress Shot + More on Raglan and Bind Off

First progress shot:

Colchique In Progress - Back

So I started on the raglan line and am now having doubts about the translation. At this point it's nothing specific, just, you know, the general feeling that I'm doing something wrong. Does anyone else have any thoughts on the translation?

Okay, here's where we left off.

On both sides...
1) *4 rows up, bind off 1 stitch, two rows up bind off 1 stitch, and another two rows up bind off 1 stitch.* Repeat these rows (* to *) 5 times. (I think this has to mean 5 repeats total, not 1 + 5 repeats, because of the way the numbers work out later, see below)

Is that correct?

Anyway, here's a stab at the next bit:

Meanwhile, at ...

1) 29 cm (92 rows) 2) 30 cm (96 rows) 3) 31 cm (100 rows) 4) 32 cm (102 rows) 5) 33 cm (106 rows) of godron stitch, form the neckline by binding off the 1)2)3) 12 4)5) 14 center stitches. Then continue one side at a time, binding off the side of the neckline 4 stitches every other row 2 times.

The math seems to confirm this as right, at least for the smallest size (someone please check this!)

76 (starting # after initial bind-off of 3 on each side)
-30 (bound off during 8-row repeats, assuming 5 repeats)
-18 (bound off during every-other-row repeats)
-12 (center neckline bind off)
- 8 (right side neckline bind off)
- 8 (left side neckline bind off)
0 stitches remain

Given the fact that there's some overlap between the neckline and raglan decreases, how many stitches should be the needles when you get to the neckline decreases? I am probably almost there, but think I might have left out or included a few raglan bind-offs. I'd rather make up for it before getting to the neckline, so it would be nice to know how many I'm supposed to have when I get there.

In the search for the definition of "encolure," I found this knitting term translation page, which is more comprehensive than the other one.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

my take

I gave translating it a shot. You can see what I came up with on my blog. I couldn't interpret some stuff and I didn't reword everything so it doesn't make perfect sense. Jess's much better.

I ordered Merino Style from Knitpicks - 12 skeins for the 2nd size in harvest. I hope I like the color and got enough of it.

I wasn't planning on starting this sweater so soon but working on the pattern has me itching to cast on. I can't wait to get started.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Raglan Line Translation - In Progress

Success! Valette over at the French knitalong has come to our rescue. She translated the first size, and I went ahead and did the others. Please be on the lookout for errors!

The only question I have now is probably not about the pattern, but rather, about knitting. How do you make this work on both sides simultaneously? Can you bind off at both the beginning and the end of a row?

ANSWER (from Stephie, on the French knitalong): You have to bind off one stitch on each side. When I have to bind off stitches at the end of a row, I just do it on the beginning of the next row (WS). It makes it easier for me :)

Valette reminds us that this method is ok for the front and back, but not for the sleeves, which use the decreases described in "stitches used."

Anyway, on with the translation

Raglan line translation:

square --> At 11 cm of godron (36 rows), form the raglan by binding off on each side: 3 stitches, then:

1) *4 rows up, bind off 1 stitch, two rows up bind off 1 stitch, and another two rows up bind off 1 stitch.* Repeat these 8 rows (* to *) 5 times. Then, bind off one stitch every other row 9 times (9 bound off over 18 rows).

2) *4 rows up, bind off 1 stitch, then bind off 1 stitch every other row over next 6 rows.* Repeat these 10 rows (* to *) 5 times. Then bind off one stitch every other row 11 times.

3) Bind off one stitch on the 4th row and 1 stitch on the 8th row. Then bind off one stitch every other row 29 times (29 stitches bound off over 58 rows).

4) Bind off one stitch every other row 34 times (34 bound off over 68 rows).

5) err, not sure on this one, but I think it's like this:

Row 1: work even
Row 2: bind off 2 stitches each side
Row 3: work even
Row 4: bind off 1 stitches each side
Row 5: work even
Row 6: bind off 1 stitches each side
Row 7: work even
Row 8: bind off 1 stitches each side

Repeat rows 1-8 4 times, then bind off one stitch every other row 20 times. (20 stitches bound off over 40 rows).

Work 3 rows even.

I'm working with the raglan line for the back, and am a bit stuck on the translation. To fuel your linguistic sleuthing, here's a useful discussion of another French raglan decrease, and a very helpful illustration of said decrease.

This is to be done on both sides:

1) *4 rows up, bind off 1 stitch, and two rows after that, bind off 2 stitches.* Repeat * to * 5 times.

Then bind off one stitch every 2nd row until you've bound off 9 more stitches (over 18 rows).


1) *4 rows up, bind off 1 stitch, and every two rows bind off 2 stitches.*
Repeat * to * 5 times.

Then bind off one stitch every 2nd row until you've bound off 9 more stitches (over 18 rows).

Possibility A seems more likely to me; I'm not even sure I understand what it means to say "every two rows do X" when that itself is within a command to repeat. But then, the pattern uses the word "tout," so I'm not sure how to interpret that. Perhaps a little help from our French friends?

Today I ended up buying this Inca Alpaca yarn, (so much for using something I already owned)

I swatched it in the store to make sure that it would work - had the directions with me, and swatched the ribbing before it gets into the Fantasie 1. I got gauge, and fell in love with the purple and the soft alpaca, so this is it.

I may just cast on tonight.

And thank you Jessica for posting the english translation. I printed it out, and it will help immensely.

Translation Pt. 1

(1) 4/6 (2) 8/10 (3) 12/14 (4) 16/18 (5) 20/22



3.5mm / US 4


2 stitch markers (?)
3 27mm buttons

- Cotes fantaisie (see diagram)
- Pt. fantaisie no. 1 and no.2 (see diagrams)
- "Godron stitch": 2 rows of reverse stockinette, 2 rows of stockinette; keep repeating these 4 rows
- Simple decreases 5 stitches from the edge: Proceed in pattern until 7 stitches remain, k2tog, k to end
- Double decreases 5 stitches from the edge: Proceed in pattern until 8 stitches remain, k3tog, k to end
- Stockinette stitch


Important: It is crucial that you choose a yarn that matches gauge (duh).
10 cm = 25 st. and 30 rows of pt. fantaisie no. 1 on US 4 needles
10 cm = 20 st. and 32 rows of Godron stretched length-wise on US 4 needles

X --> Cast on 1) 104 2) 108 3)120 4) 132 5) 144 stitches. With US 4 needles, knit in "cotes fantaisie" (see diagram), starting with the 1) 3rd 2) first 3) 9th 4) 3rd 5) 11th stitch on the diagram. Work in cotes fantaisie for 12 cm. One of the sections of 4 stitches in stockinette will be at the center of your work.

triangle --> Continue in point fantaisie no. 1 (see diagram) for 14 cm. You will repeat those 16 rows twice, then complete the first 10 rows once.

square triangle --> When the work has reached 26 cm. total, continue in godron stitch... on your first row decrease 1)22 2)20 3)24 4)28 5)28 stitches evenly across the work. 1) 82 2) 88 3) 96 4) 104 5) 116 stitches remain.

square --> Complete 11cm (36 rows) of godron. Form the raglan: bind off 3 stitches on each side of the work (??), then:


Here's where I am so far. I hope this is sort of right. I've placed question marks where I've been unsure. So far my progress looks normal, thank goodness! I'll post photos soon. Hope this helps those of you who are itching to get started!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

On Needles and Yarn

Abby posted a comment with a great question:

"I was wondering... this is for a worsted weight yarn, and the gauge'll be 21-25 sts/4 in, depending on the st used, but on size 4(!) needles? I was perusing the french kal and saw some exclamations about this over there as well. Apparently size 4 needles do indeed produce something "joli mais extrèmement serré" (pretty but very tight), while size 5s create a too-loose gauge, and doesn't look at good. I suppose the size 4 thang is right, given that the photo makes the resultant fabric look pretty dense - that's part of its appeal.

Also, given that it calls for size 4s, I'm thinking of using my sweater-sized stash of Knitpicks elegance, which is DK, and maybe bumping my needles up to 5s. Any thoughts - do you think this 70% alpaca/30% silk yarn would have too much drape for a part-cables sweater?"

On needle size, I thought Pure Laine 3,5 was a DK weight yarn. According to this shop, it's 21 st = 4". It seems like Knitpicks Elegance (I think the silk would be nice) or Merino Style would substitute well.

Being too eager to wait for the other knitters on the French knitalong, I started with my yarn-of-undisclosed gauge (bought at School Products in bulk) on size 5 needles because I feared overly-constricting the cashmere. I measured gauge not by doing a swatch in the actual patterns (nooo that would have been too smart!) but seeing whether I could match the 21st/4" in stockinette one is supposed to achieve with Pure Laine 3.5. It seemed to work on 5s, but...

Although I love the resulting plush fabric, I fear the end result might be too large. Unstretched, it's several cms under the 40 cm the pattern predicts for the smallest size, but stretched out, it seems to be way over the 40 cm. Does anyone know the proper way to measure ribbed fabric to see whether it matches gauge... stretched or unstretched?

Joining the Knitalong

I'm glad there has been some interest! Just want to clarify: I can't add you to the knitalong unless you provide the following information on the comments to the 9/26 entry:

(1) your first name
(2) your e-mail address
(3) your blog URL (preferred, but not required)


Monday, September 26, 2005

Welcome to the Colchique Knitalong, English Version!

It's somewhat well known that the French are a stylin' bunch of people. So it's no surprise that their knitting patterns leave most American ones in the dust.

A while back, I posted a photo of this lovely sweater, from the 2004 issue of Phildar Irlandais, on my blog:

Phildar Sweater

Oohs and aahs followed, but many of us were intimidated by the thought of translating a pattern from French. But you know what? Together, and with a little help from our French counterparts, I'll bet we can do it! (Even if we are a little fumbly along the way)

Valette, who founded the French knitalong (or "tricotons ensemble"), named this sweater "Colchique," after a flower that blooms in autumn.

So, if you're feeling linguistically adventurous and love Colchique as much as I, join up. First, download the pattern (en francais!).

*****Then, to join, just leave a comment below with

(1) your name,
(2) your blog URL, and
(3) your e-mail address,

and I'll add you to the sidebar.*****

And don't forget to save the button at left to post on your blog!