Reading and Planning
i have been checking in for the translation prior to starting and i thank the ladies for your excellent efforts. i'm that knitter that plots and plans before trying it out and one thing i am a bit confused about is the raglan decreases. i am planning the size 2 and i think i am supposed to: a) use the info after the bullet 2 upon starting the decreases
b) (this is the part confusing me) upon starting do i decrease each side so that 2 stitches are lost
or do i just decrease one stitch? i think from previous posts and attempted math it is 2 per
row but i like confirmation.
by the way, i found another web supplier of the pure laine and i am a bit invested in this plug but her shop is in belgium not far from my father's family and my web correspondence has been awesome with her so if you want the suggested yarn, maybe check her out at nicole is the owner and she'd be happy to see you if you can make it to belgium anytime soon. i'm having color choice issues and trying to stay focused on other projects on needles, but i have envy for all the beautiful pieces featured. thanks again
Yup, decrease or bind off evenly each side so that your back is symmetrical. So yes, that would be 2 per row.
oh, thank you for the info on the yarn store in Belgium. I went to her site, but forgot to look to see what city she is in. I am planning right now to be in Brussels in January, and can't think of a more fun way to spend some of the time that my dh is in conferences than poking around yarn stores.
i think i've run across that site before. do you have any idea what her shippinng charges to the US are?
thank you for the confirmation on the decreases. i received a 'quote' on 12 skeins from her shop. the shipping is 5.50 euro to california. i have yet to order,i am in a wee bit of trouble with the mister because of my profligate yarn spending. jess, the top looks b-e-a-utiful. knit on.
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