Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Seaming Up!

I finished all the pieces and ready to seam them up now~ however, I don't speak french and can't find a complete translation about the collar and the seaming part (I've asked a friend-of-friend to help out but seems that abbreviation in the French pattern is a big challenge for translation). So, I just try out and hope to figure out how the whole thing will work out (magically =P). Here's some picture of it~~

there are few confusion particularly the shoulder cos I kind of don't know where to stop (or start) when the right sleeve join the front. I stop at the point where the sharp decrease on the sleeve~

And then for the colloar, I tried to squeze all the stitches together around cos the collar piece seems a bit small, even after I blocked all the pieces. Turn out, it seems OK~~However, I'm not sure whether the collar should stop till the beinging of the button band, or before the button band. I tentative seam the collar end at where the button band begin on the left sleeve. Is it right?

A few shots around the collar:

Any second opinion on this will be highly appreciated =) Thank you~~~

Saturday, January 14, 2006


I had no idea this pattern would hurt my fingers so much! Stupid too-small needles....

Anyway, I got gauge just fine with US 4s and this peacock blue yarn and have made a very small, very tight amount of progress on the back. Or maybe the front. I haven't decided if I should do the front first so that I can see how it looks in the context of my boobs and not have as much to rip out if does, indeed, look awful or if I should just do the back first because, well, it's supposed to be done first.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Boob-friendly Colchique?

I've taken to looking at the Colchique with an eye for a possible new project and have come across a major stumbling block: this pattern is going to make my boobs look GINORMOUS. They're quite large already and the combination of high neckline and horizontal ribbing is not going to be flattering. Any ideas as to how I can modify this to be bustiness-friendly?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Question about shaping the upper left sleeve

I messed up with the whole left sleeve with all the increasing and decreasing so I have to redo the whole thing~sign~this time I'm going to plot out the whole thing on Excel (has anyone do this before?) before I start again. When I study the translation for the upper sleeve, there's something really confusing for me:

Square --> At 11 cm (36 rows) of godron stitch, form the raglan. Bind off 3 stitches on each side of the work, turn the work and cast on 5 stitches at the edge (to form the area where buttons will be sewn). Then continue the raglan**: On the right: bind off at the edge/ On the left: decrease 5 stitches from the edge
On each side:
*4 rows up, bind off 1 st, then every other row bind off 1 st over next 6 rows.* Repeat these 10 rows (* to *) 4 times. Next, bind off one st every other row 8 times (8 st bound off over 16 rows). 56 rows worked.

Is that means I immediate decreasee 5 stitiches right after I cast on that 5 stitches (that doesn't make sense to me tho)? or I should incoporate the 'decrease 5 stitiches from the edge' into the raglan? if so, when should I decrease the 5 sts??

Thanks very much for any kind of help!!


Thank you very much Marji for your very helpful tips!
At last, I finish the left sleeve. Is it look alright to you all??

Les Colchiques Finis (Gallery of Completed Colchiques)

Hello Colchiquers! Hurry up and finish your Colchique so I can add your completed sweater to the brand spankin' new Colchique Gallery!

Voici Les Colchiques Finis!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Blogger Experts?

Does anyone know how to create a static page on blogger? I would like to create a gallery for Les Colchiques Finis!

finishing questions

It's all together except the buttons. I'm bummed for two reasons:

1) The tops of the sleeves are too wide. It looks like a hockey sweater. The horizontal rib is too stretchy. The whole thing is too big but I can deal with the bottom parts. I suppose I could reknit the entire thing to be smaller but I don't have the will.

2) The button-hole strip. Hopefully I can fix this somehow. I sewed it on along the top and collar but when the collar folds forward you see the back of the seam. That can't be right, can it? I saw someone else's finished picture and I noticed the seam but it looks like the right side out - how do you do that?

I'll post pictures once I get the buttons on but right now I'm not feeling too thrilled about this sweater.

Coming to Terms With Colchique

With her beautiful finished sweater, Linster has shaken me out of the closet, or in this case out of the bottom of my dresser, with my ends-unwoven Colchique. Her future is uncertain:


Not bad, right? But look:


There are more notes on the pattern and more photos on my blog, here:

Saturday, January 07, 2006

How to shape neck line?

Hi all~~I am trying to finish the front piece but having a problem. This is my first sweater project and I have no idea how to shape the neckline. As the pattern reads : 'To form the neckline bind off the center 1)2)3) 10 sts 4)5) 12 sts. Continue knitting one side at a time, binding off at the neckline edge every other row, first binding off 4 sts, next 3 sts, next 2 sts, and lastly, one st.' -- Is that means I have to break the yarn, work on the side right after the bind off, finish one side, and the attach a new set of yarn to complete the other side?

Any kind of suggestions/ helps are highly appreciated!


Monday, January 02, 2006


But I'm almost certain I'm the only one still reading this blog...

Anyway, I have now finished my Colchique and wear it all the time. Everything went quite smoothly, no ugly surprises when putting it all together. The sleeves are, as I suspected, slightly wide, as you can see in the picture, and the buttonpieces behave as one can expect and not as in the pattern picture.

Hope to see some more finished Colchiques here soon! I know I'm probably the last to finish, so please post pictures of your darlings.